Thursday, September 21, 2023

Thursday September 21, 2023

 Dear amazing families,

This week we:

* Did Km. Club. We run laps around the field. Every time you do five laps you get a sticker for your running chart. We keep our water bottles on the benches outside.

* Today in Science we drew a picture of the ecosystem of the nature playground. Yesterday we went to the nature playground, did some observations and wrote down living and nonliving things we saw. 

* This morning we had a fire drill. It was really loud, but we were still inside when it turned off. We went outside and lined up on the back field. Then we listened to the principal and went back inside. When we left the classroom we had to remember to close the door.

* This week in math we did a math sheet that had math, then a section that had bonus questions, and then a section that had super duper bonus questions. For math we were practicing the "10 ands". For example if you add 10+5 you get 15

* In art we made a polar bear drawing that was very cute. We are doing it for the school fundraiser. When we send our pictures in our parents will get a chance to order art cards, mugs or even bags with our art on it.

* In music we did a little bean bag song and passed it around.

* In gym we played zombie tag and jewel thief. We also practiced dribbling and trapping the soccer ball.

* In STEM first we heard a story. Then we got blocks, magnets or Lego. We had to build a house, treehouse or fort. We had to do it with a group and work together.

* Just a reminder that there is no school for students tomorrow. Teachers will be here doing "teacher school".

Have a fantastical long weekend!


Mrs. Marta's hard-working, trustworthy, amazing, magnificent, beautiful, smart, exciting, strong, lovely, healthy, helpful. superstar, cool students

Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday September 15, 2023

 Dear amazing families,

This week:

* We had a dance party this morning.

* In gym we played Diamond Tag, Museum, Angry Cats, Jewel Thief and Zombie Tag.

* In music we played a game called "Throw and Catch". We also made a little rhythm and then passed beanbags around the circle.

* In reading today we got up to reading for 9 minutes alone. When we read alone we have to be quiet, not play with the reading buddies, stay at our desks and most important we have to read. When we are done reading alone we have some time for reading together.

* Today in math we estimated with some of the builder blocks. We also played some math games this week like 10+ towers. Yesterday we wrote the numbers to 100 in the hundreds chart.

* In Science we watched a video about living and non-living things. Then we filled in a chart to see what things were living and which were nonliving.

* In STEM we did a scavenger hunt. First we read a Gingerbread Man book. Then the Gingerbread Man was running around the whole library. We had to use the clues to find the Gingerbread Man.

* Every morning when we come in we do a morning routine. There is a chart at the front the room to remind us what to do. There are 8 things on the chart!

* This week we got a postcard from Niagara Falls (actually 2 postcards). Mrs. and Mr. Marta went in the summer and brought us back some postcards. Did you know that Niagara Falls is the waterfall in Canada that discharges the most water. It can fill one million bathtubs every minute!

We hope you have a fantastic weekend,


Mrs. Marta's trustworthy, beautiful, amazing, smart, and special students.

Friday January 12, 2024

 Dear fantastic parents, This week: * In gym we played Diamond Tag, Skittles, Plank Tag and we also practiced throwing at the targets. This ...