Friday, December 10, 2021

Friday December 10, 2021

 Dear wonderful parents,

This week we:

* Did finishing. Different people are doing different things like book club or science. It is where you finish up your work. If you don't finish your work you miss brain bins.

* We added 5 new "no excuses" words. They are: said, in, it, and, to. When they go up on to the board you have to spell them right in your own work. You can't make excuses if you don't know how to spell them.

* When we write the teacher is conferencing with some kids. You can only interrupt for three emergencies: throw up, fire and blood. O.S. says everyone has blood. The teacher says it is only an emergency if it is coming out of your body.

* In science we have been working on food webs. You have to draw arrows between the animals to show which animal is giving energy to the other animal. An apex predator is something that nothing eats. An example is an orca.

* In gym we played dungeon ball. The kids played the teachers and guess who won? We are having a rematch today!

* In outdoor ed. today we went to the purple park.

* Every day Mrs. Marta puts mistakes in the daily schedule. We have to find them. An example is that sometimes she spells gym like this: Jim.

* Here is a picture of the penguin art we finished last week:


Mrs. Marta's amazing students

1 comment:

  1. Amazing penguin drawings everyone! All the different colors are so beautiful and they are all so unique :)


Friday January 12, 2024

 Dear fantastic parents, This week: * In gym we played Diamond Tag, Skittles, Plank Tag and we also practiced throwing at the targets. This ...