Dear amazing parents,
This week:
* We only did writing two times. We miss having writing.
* In science we have been learning about the water cycle. We put a baggie with water on the window. B.K. thinks the water is going to go down. S.A. thinks the water will make bubbles. N.J. thinks the water will turn green. P.Z. thinks the water will evaporate and we won't have any water on Monday. H.C. thinks the pictures on the bag will get smaller? F.U. thinks the pictures will fade because of the sun.
* Today we are playing Dungeon Ball in gym. Yesterday we did a great job in gym. We were practicing passing the baton. We were such good listeners that Ms. Swim said we could play Dungeon Ball today.
* In reading all the book clubs are on their last section.
* In outdoor ed. we tested our boats in water. We made nature boats out of sticks, string and other nature we found in the courtyard.
* We are on our last week of printing. Mrs. Marta hopes everyone will finish soon!😀
* Ms. Swim has been teaching us math for awhile. We've been learning about measuring. We learned about meters this week. Yesterday and today we practiced measuring the perimeter of objects and shapes.
The children🙋