Dear spectacular families,
This week:
* We have been doing the countries of the world quiz on . The first time we got 38/197. The second time we got 57/197. Today we got 68 countries! For next time, we are going to try to remember: Singapore, Morocco, Georgia, Samoa, Taiwan, Belgium, South Korea, Cuba. L.T. just randomly called out the country Nigeria. She has no idea how she knew it!
* Today is our last day before the Winter Break. Today is pajama day. We have a movie planned this afternoon and we can bring pillows, blankets, slippers and a stuffy.
* Yesterday we decorated Christmas Trees with candy. There was A LOT of candy!
* Last Tuesday we watched the Naden Band at the Royal Theatre.
* On Tuesday was our dress rehearsal. Wednesday afternoon we had a concert, and Thursday night we had a concert. We sang "Rock and Roll Snowman" and "When the Holidays Come".
* Today we finished our printing books. In January the grade 3s are going to start handwriting. The grade 2s can choose if they want to do handwriting.
* We have been working on our life cycle projects. We started off with papers and books, and now we are putting our information on iPads. Some people did the same animals and other people did a different animal. When we are finished Mrs. Marta puts them on the computer and we watch them together. When ours are finished, Mrs. Marta can send our families a link to see it. Yesterday we started to watch the life cycle projects of people who are finished.
* We didn't get any postcards this week, but we sent one to Japan. If you know anyone who can send us a postcard from somewhere in the world please ask them to send us one!
We hope you have a fantastic, snowtastic, wonderful, fabulous, snowy, spectacular, sparkly, beautiful and delightful winter break.
Mrs. Marta's super grade 2/3 class